

发布时间:2011-01-21 08:58 作者:演讲网 点击:
留学生论文范文--中国演讲网 Chapter 1 1.1 Back ground information Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. was founded by American retail legend Sam Walton in Arkansas in 1962. Forty four years later, Wal-Mart serves more than 176 million customers per week.


  Chapter 1
  Back ground information
  Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. was founded by American retail legend Sam Walton in Arkansas in 1962.  Forty four years later, Wal-Mart serves more than 176 million customers per week.  It is the world’s largest private employer and retailer with over 1.9 million associates worldwide and more than 7,000 stores in 14countries.Wal-Marts came to China in 1996.  The first Supercenter and SAM'S CLUB were opened in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.  Today, there are 104 units in 55 cities, including 99 Supercenters, 3 SAM’S CLUBs and 2 Neighborhood Markets.  Across China Wal-Mart employs over 50,000 associates. As an outstanding corporate citizen, Wal-Mart actively gives back to the community and has donated funds and in-kind support worth more than RMB36 million to local charities and welfare organizations over the past 12 years. As an organization, we also commit ourselves to environmental protection and sustainable development with our Sustainability 360 drive, which we integrate throughout our Chinese business and among our thousands of suppliers. In China, as elsewhere, we follow the Wal-Mart tradition of building our business one store and one customer at a time.  We strive to provide our customers with friendly service and a wide selection of quality products at Every Day Low Prices.  With each Wal-Mart store we bring advanced retail know-how to the local market. By fostering a healthy, competitive environment, we hope to constantly improve our business operations and customer service in order to contribute to the prosperity of the local economy. The Wal-Mart came to Fu Jian Proven in 2007. Now, the Wal-mart has 8 large-size super market, 5 middle-size super market, 1 SAM’S Club and 1 Wal-Mart DC to supply the Wal-Mart super market and SAM’S CLUBs of the whole proven.
  Problem definition
  The Wal-Mart has been landing in Fu Jian Province for already one and half years, after 12th December of 2008, it is always happening the lack of goods situation, especial the snack, fruit, and living goods which even lack for one week, the problem is the Wal-Mart information system doesn’t match with the suppliers information system, all the suppliers must made the appointment with the Wal-mart DC before they deliver the goods to DC, then the DC will deliver the goods to each Wal-Mart super market, if suppliers are late, the Wal-Mart DC need to reschedule the supply plan for each super market, it is cost the much step and time between the Wal-Mart DC and Suppliers, and it is also increase the capital of the Wal-Mart.
  Chapter 2
  The goal
  After I contact with the Mr. Zhou Xin Fang who is general manager of the Fu Jian Wal-Mart DC, they want to solve the problem between DC and suppliers。The goal is handle the suppliers and Wal-Mart DC can deliver the goods on time for both side, and the DC can reduce the capital
  Chapter 3
  3.1Project activities
  A lot of activities will be carried out during this project period, which is stated as follows
  3.1 Preparation:
  1. Make meetings/contact with the client in this case the Wal-Mart DC.
  2. Search information about Wal-Mart on the internet.
  3. Write Plan of Action for this project
  4. Hand in the action plan to the tutor and the manager of the Wal-Mart DC.
  5. Get feedback from them and improve it.
  3.2 Problem research:
  6. Meeting with the manager to find out which problem(s) that the DC has
  7. Doing research on the internet in order to gather more information about the problem.
  8. Ask the manager to get the basic data from the Wal-Mart intranet, for example, the delivery schedule, and what kind of information system they use it.
  9. Hold meeting with DC each department to discuss about the solution for the problem
  10. Write the outcomes on paper.
  11. Send the e-mail to tutor to discuss about the outcomes.
  12. Improve the outcomes after discussing with the tutor and hand it in to the manager.
  Discuss with the manager in order to make detail working schedules for the project members.
  3.3 Problem solving:
  13 Gather all available information which I need.
  14. List the possible solutions on paper and then discuss with the manager.
  15. Make the solutions plan
  16. Carry out and adjust the solution plan
  17. Analysis the solution plan and Evaluate the solution plan
  3.4 Evaluation:
  18. Make an evaluation meeting with the manager Write an evaluation report for the meeting.
  19. Write the evaluation report for the project.
  Chapter 4
  Project limit
  Start date:
  The project will(亲爱的客户朋友您好!您正在浏览的文章是由我站编辑人员为您搜集整理的范文,仅供您参考。如果你有相关的写作需要请与我们业务经理王老师联系:13220535006 在线客服QQ:316327876  您的满意是我们永恒的追求:中国演讲网www.yanjiangwang.com。)
  start on 26th Feb 2009.
  Completion date:
  The research will be completed on 20th June 2009. Length of the whole project is about 20 weeks.
  Each month I will report to my tutor and communicate at least once per month. The supervisor is willing to support me in time.
  Chapter5 Scheduling
  Task  Lead time in days Predecessors Week
  1 Preparation --  Week1&2
  2 Make meeting with Wal-Mart DC   9
  3 Search information about Wal-Mart on the internet  12 After Step 2
  4 Write Plan of action for this project  4 After Step 3
  5 Hand in the action plan to the tutor and manager  1 After Step 4
  6 Problem research  -- After ‘Preparation’  Week3 to Week 5
  7 Find out which problems that Wal-Mart DC has  12 -- Week5 to week6
  8 Hold meeting with the Wal-Mart DC manager(my company tutor) to discuss the problem which has been found 10  After Step 8 Week 7
  9 Doing research on the internet in order to gather more information about the problem 12 After Step 7  Week 8
  10 Get basic base from Wal-Mart Intranet  8 After Step 7 Week 911 Hold meeting with the manager to discuss about the solution for the problem 8 -- Every week
  12 Write the outcomes on paper 8 After Step 7 to Step 10  Week 10
  13 E-mail to the tutor to discuss about the outcomes and see if it is feasible 1 After step 12  Week 10
  14 Improve the outcomes after discussing with the tutor and hand it in to the company tutor 9 After Step 13 Week 11
  15 Discuss with the company tutor in order to make detail working schedules for the project members.
  2 After Step 12 to Step 14 Week 12
  16 Problem solving  -- After ‘Problem research’ Week 13 to week 15
  17 Make a meeting with company tutor to discuss the solutions. 9 After Step 20
  18 List the possible solutions on paper and then discuss with the manager 4 After Step 21 Week 16
  19 Write a solution plan 10 Step 17 to Step 23 Week 17
  20 Evaluation/adjust solution plan --  Week18 to Week20
  21 Make an evaluation meeting with the manager 2 Finish all steps
  Chapte6 the products
  I will do this project in Wal-Mart DC of Fu Jian Province, china.
  Firstly, I made action plan about this project, and I had contact with Wal-Mart DC manager to talk about how to arrange the work.
  Secondly, I collect available Information, drop the outcome, and find out which step has the problem, and then make the solution for problem.
  Finally, make the report for solution and power point
  Chapter7 Quality control
  The project will control the quality of the project through the following methods:
  7.1 Internal control:
  1. Meetings will be held once a week with company tutor.
  2. Keeping touch with the tutor as often as required, also E-mail him to get his opinions.
  7.2 External helps:
  3. When I start to working, I will get help from an employee of Wal-Mart DC By doing so, I will better communication with the company.
  4. The manager will be my supervisors who are going to help me for the project.
  7.3 Professional skills:
  5. Use professional tools such as Word processor and ERP to schedule the activities in order.
  7.4External advices:
  6. Do investigation and analyze to look for solutions.
  7. Get basic base from Wal-Mart Intranet
  Risk analyze
  Building cooperation between 2 parties is not an easy task; there are a lot of things that have to be counted as a consideration. There are some unexpected things happen. The following are the analysis of the risks:
  l Internal risks: (thesis risks)
  The purpose of this project is the final thesis, , however, because of the real case, it might be happened that forget the thesis or write less quality thesis because too focus on the work, I called it thesis risks. The solution for that is the action plan and monthly report. Good communication between school tutor and me will be a best choice. The external risks: (project risks)
  External risks are related to the project itself. It means that I failed in results. The reasons can be concluded by misunderstanding task, wrong direction, not deeply enough, etc. this can be done by using the communication between company mentor and me. They will see and monitor whether I’m right or wrong
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王 临

